Mental Health & Therapy Services

All therapists employed by Burnett Therapeutic Services have been practicing in the field and have a deep understanding of theory and clinical applications. We have a high level of quality services that are tailored to each client's needs and personal goals. Our services can be described as person-centered therapy where the therapist provides an accepting, supportive and non-judgmental environment for the client. It is our belief that each individual has within himself or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering his or her self-concept, attitudes, and self-directed behavior. These resources can be tapped when a definable climate of therapeutic rapport is developed. We believe in our clients and will support them to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves in therapy. We are happy to assist with setting goals to overcome life difficulties so that you can feel whole, balanced, healthy, happy, and eager to grow into the person that you so want to be!  Sometimes it just takes having a safe and nurturing place to explore and process our feelings and BTS can provide that for you!  Please call (707) 299-8250 or email to receive more information.  We are providing services to clients with multiple insurance plans and also provide services to low-income families on a sliding scale, as needed.